Reperception Podcast

Property Of Mars Owner Closes In On Ultimate Truth – Jig’s Up!

Attention all Property Of Mars fans and followers! We have some exciting news to share with you all today. We are thrilled to officially announce that JP is now the whole owner of Property Of Mars as well as his own biology.


In addition to this major development, JP has also shared a personal revelation with the public. He has publicly stated that he remembers his true beginning as fertilization. This is a powerful and deeply personal moment for JP, and we applaud his bravery and honesty in sharing this with us all. In his words, “Celebrating thee birthday is thee revolutionary war. As a pacifist, One chooses a peaceable approach to end all war. Taking sides is a terrible thing to feel needs to be done or is required when it is not. If there’s a manner of putting dispute and disease to rest, the answer is to self-govern and for thee first time, One understands what this means. One strives to be part of the answer to cure whatever dis-ease that may be negatively impacting this timeline. Even “neutrals” can have their property seized IF there is a WAR. The definition of WAR is very telling  [2b is “a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a PARTICULAR END.” Regarding “Prize Cases” in the Admiralty courts..  3) To justify the exercise of this right, and legalize the capture of a neutral vessel for violating it, A STATE OF ACTUAL WAR MUST EXIST, and the neutral must have knowledge or notice that it is the intention of the belligerent to blockade the ports of the other.“]  and could have real life implications everyone, not just me, but everyone should be education and aware.”  JP added, “One is fully accounted for from fertilization until last expired breath. It’s that simple.”

As the new whole owner of Property Of Mars, JP brings a wealth of experience and passion to the table. We are confident that under his leadership, this website will continue to thrive and grow in exciting new directions. Current traffic is promising and on the uptrend.

Please join us in congratulating JP on this exciting new chapter in his life and career. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Property Of Mars under his guidance.

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